Creating a Collection Dataset


In order to set-up, your collection on the SCAN portal lease fill out the survey above (SCAN_survey_collection_setup_June2020 ) and return the survey to .  Make sure you register as a SCAN user and will assign you as an admin for your collection.  Then you can add permissions for anyone else that you want to have access to your collection data. If you are not sure how to answer any question on the survey we probably  can fill it in for you.  Once the collection is set up on SCAN you can change any of the settings or descriptions for your collection.  

Example of collection description

Terms in Survey 

Institution Code – this is a unique code for your institution. Often this is registered with the American Association of Museums (eg. the Northern Arizona University is registered as “NAUF”).

Collection Code – This is a unique id for a specific collection. (eg. The Colorado Plateau Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity at NAU is registered as “CPMAB”)

Collection Name – The formal name for your collection. (eg. The Colorado Plateau Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity)

Mailing Address

Brief Description – A short description of your collection that is ~400 word max and must be less than 2000 characters.

Homepage – the URL for your museum homepage (eg. ) and either send an icon – a small image that visually represents the collection, or we assume we can copy it from your homepage.

Contact Name for a permanent contact (eg. Neil Cobb)

Contact Email – the permanent contact’s email address

Latitude /longitude – latitude of the collection location in decimal degrees

Rights Holder – A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource. (ie. usually the institution, museum or collection)

Access Rights – Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. (eg. “not-for-profit use only”.)

Preferred usage rights.  By default we assign CCC 4.0 international to be compatible with GBIF. Please read the Creative Commons Wiki on using Creative Commons licenses on data.

Collection Type – Options are “preserved specimens, observations or general observations” (this may be added to in the future, we’re assuming that for now all SCAN collections will be “preserved specimens”)

Management – may be “snapshot or live data” (we are assuming that all SCAN collections will be live data and manage their data on the portal).

Source of the Global Unique identifier (GUID) for the specimen records. OccurrenceId is generally used for Snapshot datasets when a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) field is supplied by the source database (e.g. Specify database) and the GUID is mapped to the occurrenceId field. The use of the Occurrence Id as the GUID is not recommended for live datasets. Catalog Number can be used when the value within the catalog number field is globally unique. The Symbiota Generated GUID (UUID) option will trigger the Symbiota data portal to automatically generate UUID GUIDs for each record. This option is recommended for many for Live Datasets but not allowed for Snapshot collections that are managed in local management system.

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